Laundry Box Melbourne is now a Solar Powered Dry Cleaner

 In Solar Powered Dry Cleaner

Laundry Box has gone even greener and is now a Solar Powered Dry Cleaner within the installation of state of the art solar panels and system. The large 18Kw system covers the whole roof of our plant and generates enough weekly energy to power the whole plant and supporting infrastructure.

Reducing our carbon footprint is really important to the team and its why we have implemented a state of the art Enphase system with each panel having its own inverter to harness the maximum amount of sunlight and power to run our operation in Melbourne. On most days the system generates enough electricity to power the evaporative cooling system to keep our team cool, whilst powering all of the dry cleaner, laundry and pressing equipment we require to produce amazing results for our customers. We are proud to have become one of Melbourne’s Solar Powered Dry Cleaners.

Implementing solar panels for Laundry Box was an easy investment as the payback looks to be in 12 months or less! Combined with the Government rebate and huge energy bill savings, the payback on the capital outlaid for the system is fast. The initial installation cost was significant however the immediate reduction in our carbon emissions and monthly power savings have been substantial. Becoming a Solar Powered Dry Cleaner is one of the best decisions we have made and its great to know we are doing a bit more to help the environment for future generations.

Know now that when you drop your dry cleaning, laundry or alterations work off to a Laundry Box location, it is being taken care of by the natural power of the sun!

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